Conjugations are variations of verb forms.
There are 4 conjugations in Latin, indicating a verb’s person, number, tense, voice, and mood.
Person: First, Second, or Third
Number: Singular or Plural
Tense: Indicates Time Reference
Voice: Active or Passive
Mood: Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive
Verbs that belong to the same conjugation have the same present active infinitive ending.
This section addresses the indicative mood.
The four principal parts of a verb are:
First-person singular, present active indicative.
Present active infinitive.
First-person singular, perfect active indicative.
Perfect Passive Participle.
Remove the -re in a verb’s second principal part to get its present stem.
Remove the -ī in a verb’s third principal part to get its perfect stem.
Perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passives conjugate in the same way. Refer to the “Perfect Passives” page.